Hiring Buddy.

The job search experience
you'll love

No job applications, no cover letters, no ghosting...
Find work that's true to your value

No job applications, no cover letters

Simply connect your LinkedIn profile

Buddy AI does the matching

We find suitable positions for you based off your true value

Companies connect with you

We've redefined recruitment, getting hired is now easy

Recruitment is broken! You're applying to tonnes of roles, just to be ghosted and rejected. We believe recruitment should be effortless and enjoyable. Let's fix this together!

The scientific approach

How HiringBuddy works


We get to know you

5 mins HiringBuddy Vibe Finder questionnaire™


We show your true value

Immediate access to your strengths, differentiators and ideal working environments


HiringBuddy does the matching instantly

Buddy AI deep-dives to find the right roles for you


Land your ideal job

No waiting for weeks or months - get hired in days

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